Investment profile



Name / Company name

ID code / registry code


Your risk level is very high.

Based on your risk level you are prepared to accept a very high risk for an investment. You are prepared that the value of your investment may experience strong fluctuations or be negative in the short-term, however in the longer term, the investment may offer you a higher than average rate of return.

Most likely, an investment style with a higher risk level suits you, which includes riskier instruments (stocks) to a larger extent and deposits or bonds to a smaller extent. You are satisfied with a higher than average long-term rate of return of the planned portfolio.

The volume of the planned investment is and the duration of the investment is . Your investment objective is aggressive growth of assets.

As a result of our investment questionnaire, the most suitable strategy for you is the aggressive growth strategy. Aggressive growth is an investment style with a higher risk level, according to which we invest in value stocks and growth stocks. The goal of the portfolio is long-term growth of capital, however, the investment value may experience strong fluctuations or may be negative in the short term. The indicative allocation in stocks is 100%, which may change over time according to the market outlook. To assess the results of the strategy, we use a benchmark index, comprising 60% of Vanguard Total World Stock ETF and 40% of euribor 6M.

AS LHV Pank Responsible Investment Policy and Engagement Policy in Securities Portfolio Management are available on LHV portfolio management’s website


Your risk level is high.

Based on your risk level you are prepared to accept a high risk for an investment. You want your investment portfolio to have a balanced risk and return ratio. You are prepared to take risks to earn the rate of return. You are prepared that the value of your investment may experience fluctuations or be negative in the short-term, however in the longer term, the investment may offer you an average rate of return.

Most likely, an investment style with a high risk level suits you, which includes deposits or bonds in a balanced proportion and instruments with a higher risk (stocks). You are satisfied with an average long-term return of the planned portfolio.

The volume of the planned investment is and the duration of the investment is . Your investment objective is aggressive growth of assets.

As a result of our investment questionnaire, the most suitable strategy for you is the growth strategy. Growth strategy is an investment style with high risk, in which we predominantly use stocks and to a smaller extent, bonds. The value of the investment may fluctuate and be negative in the short term. The long-term goal of the investment strategy is to offer capital growth. The indicative allocation in stocks is 75%, which may change over time according to the market outlook. To assess the results of the strategy, we use a benchmark index, comprising 60% of Vanguard Total World Stock ETF and 40% of euribor 6M.

AS LHV Pank Responsible Investment Policy and Engagement Policy in Securities Portfolio Management are available on LHV portfolio management’s website


Your risk level is medium.

Based on your risk level you are prepared to accept a medium risk for an investment. You are prepared that the value of your investment may experience fluctuations or be negative in the short term, however in the longer term, the investment may offer you an average rate of return.

Most likely, an investment style with a medium risk level suits you, which includes deposits or bonds in a balanced proportion and instruments with higher risk (stocks). You are satisfied with a medium or lower long-term return of the planned portfolio.

The volume of the planned investment is and the duration of the investment is . Your investment objective is long-term moderate growth of assets.

As a result of our investment questionnaire, the most suitable strategy for you is the balanced strategy. Balanced strategy is an investment style with medium risk, which includes bonds and stocks in a balanced proportion. The value of the investment may fluctuate and be negative in the short term. The long-term goal of the investment strategy is to offer moderate capital growth. The indicative allocation in stocks is 50%, which may change over time according to the market outlook. To assess the results of the strategy, we use a benchmark index, comprising 50% of Vanguard Total World Stock ETF and 50% of euribor 6M.

AS LHV Pank Responsible Investment Policy and Engagement Policy in Securities Portfolio Management are available on LHV portfolio management’s website


Your risk level is low.

Based on your investment profile, you are prepared to accept a lower than average investment risk for your investment. At the same time you do not want to preclude a possibility to earn the rate of return on your investment portfolio. You are prepared that the value of your investment may fluctuate to a minor extent in the short term, however in the longer term, the investment will offer you a higher rate of return due to a conservative approach.

Pursuant to your investment portfolio, most likely, the investment style with low risk suits you, in which deposits or bonds are used predominantly and to a smaller extent, instruments with higher risk (stocks). You are satisfied with a low long-term return of the planned portfolio.

The volume of the planned investment is and the duration of the investment is . Your investment objective is long-term moderate growth of assets.

As a result of our investment questionnaire, the most suitable strategy for you is the income strategy. Income strategy is a low-risk investment portfolio, in which predominantly government and corporate bonds, and to a small extent, stocks are used. The portfolio value fluctuates to a small extent and the goal of the strategy is to preserve the purchase power of money. The indicative allocation in stocks is 25%, which may change over time according to the market outlook. To assess the results of the strategy, we use a benchmark index, comprising 100% of euribor 6M.

AS LHV Pank Responsible Investment Policy and Engagement Policy in Securities Portfolio Management are available on LHV portfolio management’s website


Your risk level is conservative.

Based on your risk level, you are prepared to take very little risk with the investment. Investments with a higher risk level (such as stocks), generally offer a higher rate of return over a longer time-horizon, however their range of fluctuation is bigger.

Most likely, a very conservative investment style suits you (such as deposits, bonds). You do not want to make financial investments which involve high risk (such as stocks). You are satisfied with a very low long-term return of the planned portfolio.

The volume of the planned investment is and the duration of the investment is . Your investment objective is to preserve the value of existing assets.

As a result of our investment questionnaire, the most suitable strategy for you is the conservative strategy. Conservative means a very conservative investment style, under which we invest in stronger government and corporate bonds. We avoid investments which involve high risk (such as stocks). The value of investments fluctuates to a small extent in the short term, offering a very low rate of return. The indicative allocation in stocks is 0%.
To assess the results of the strategy, we use a benchmark index, comprising 100% of euribor 6M.

AS LHV Pank Responsible Investment Policy and Engagement Policy in Securities Portfolio Management are available on LHV portfolio management’s website


Investment restrictions


Stocks or stock funds100%

Bonds, bond funds or interest instruments0%

Alternative investments (including hedge funds)0%

Stocks or stock funds75%

Bonds, bond funds or interest instruments25%

Alternative investments (including hedge funds)0%

Stocks or stock funds50%

Bonds, bond funds or interest instruments50%

Alternative investments (including hedge funds)0%

Stocks or stock funds25%

Bonds, bond funds or interest instruments75%

Alternative investments (including hedge funds)0%

Stocks or stock funds0%

Bonds, bond funds or interest instruments100%

Alternative investments (including hedge funds)0%


The bank may increase the share of equity risk up to 10% and according to the market situation, the bank has a right to replace equity risk either in part or in full with instruments with a lower risk level than equity risk.

Statement of expenditure



Fees for services

Fees for products

Total costs over time

Average costs per year

1 year

1,455 € (1.5%)

14 € (0.0%)

1,468 € (1.5%)

1,468 € (1.5%)

3 years

4,674 € (3.9%)

48 € (0.0%)

4,722 € (4.0%)

1,574 € (1.3%)

5 years

8,306 € (6.4%)

88 € (0.1%)

8,393 € (6.5%)

1,679 € (1.3%)


Fees for services

Fees for products

Total costs over time

Average costs per year

1 year

1,444 € (1.4%)

137 € (0.1%)

1,581 € (1.6%)

1,581 € (1.6%)

3 years

4,491 € (3.9%)

470 € (0.4%)

4,961 € (4.3%)

1,654 € (1.4%)

5 years

7,842 € (6.4%)

837 € (0.7%)

8,679 € (7.1%)

1,736 € (1.4%)


Fees for services

Fees for products

Total costs over time

Average costs per year

1 year

1,430 € (1.4%)

143 € (0.1%)

1,573 € (1.6%)

1,573 € (1.6%)

3 years

4,316 € (3.9%)

473 € (0.4%)

4,790 € (4.3%)

1,597 € (1.4%)

5 years

7,409 € (6.4%)

828 € (0.7%)

8,237 € (7.1%)

1,647 € (1.4%)


Fees for services

Fees for products

Total costs over time

Average costs per year

1 year

1,420 € (1.4%)

156 € (0.2%)

1,576 € (1.6%)

1,576 € (1.6%)

3 years

4,147 € (3.9%)

496 € (0.5%)

4,643 € (4.4%)

1,548 € (1.5%)

5 years

6,990 € (6.4%)

852 € (0.8%)

7,842 € (7.2%)

1,568 € (1.4%)


Fees for services

Fees for products

Total costs over time

Average costs per year

1 year

1,342 € (1.3%)

165 € (0.2%)

1,507 € (1.5%)

1,507 € (1.5%)

3 years

3,884 € (3.8%)

506 € (0.5%)

4,390 € (4.3%)

1,463 € (1.4%)

5 years

6,463 € (6.3%)

852 € (0.8%)

7,315 € (7.1%)

1,463 € (1.4%)

The fees related to the service include the management fee (0.1% per month), transaction fees and costs related to foreign currency conversion. Upon request, the bank shall issue a report based on a specific amount invested (incl. on a more detailed division).


Name and signature of the client or representative
Name and signature of the representative of AS LHV Pank


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