LHV values
Our mission is a better access to financial services and capital. According to our vision, people and enterprises have the courage to think big and start things, setting ambitious goals and investing in the future. Our values are to be no bullshit, agile and never satisfied.
No bullshit
We don’t like beating around the bush – we prioritise simplicity in everything we do, so that doing business with us is easy, our actions are relevant, understandable and transparent.
We listen to our customers and offer solutions that take into account their needs. To us partnership is important. We support those who are committed. Even in difficulties we focus on finding solutions.
Never satisfied
With our work we want to create added value. When investing, the best possible return is paramount. We value effective solutions. We work efficiently and sustainably to meet expectations of investors and customers.
Brief history of LHV
LHV was founded in 1999, by Rain Lõhmus and Andres Viisemann. We have over 940 people working for us. Our offices are located in Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu. More than 400,000 clients are using our banking services, LHV’s leading pension funds have nearly 129,000 clients and LHV Kindlustus protects a total of 160,000 clients. We are more innovative than the other banks and we have the strongest investment and entrepreneurship experience.
- On 9 February, LHV was founded as an investment union.
- Brokerage operations and portfolio management were started.
- LHV Varahaldus was founded.
- LHV financial portal was created.
- Pension fund management was started.
- LHV Group was founded.
- On 6 May, a banking license was obtained and the business name AS LHV Pank adopted.
- The bank began offering deposits and business loans.
- The bank began offering settlement services.
- The bank began issuing bank cards.
- LHV Finance was founded to offer hire-purchase.
- A holding in Mokilizingas was acquired.
- The bank began offering card payment acceptance service.
- Network of LHV ATMs was opened.
- LHV Group became a publicly traded company.
- The shares of LHV Group were listed on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.
- LHV UK Branch opening.
- LHV Pank takes over Danske Estonia’s private clients loan portfolio.
- Joining united ATM network increases number of ATMs.
- LHV Group signed the UN Principles for Responsible Banking.
- LHV Kindlustus was established.
- Danske banks loan portfolio for local governments and companies was taken over.
- LHV UK was established.
- LHV insurance products went live.
- LHV UK bought Bank North's lending business and started issuing loans.
- LHV Group raised 35 million euros from investors with the public offering of shares.
- LHV Group acquired EveryPay.
- LHV UK received a banking licence

Available jobs
We offer you the opportunity to work in a rapidly developing domestic enterprise, where you can feel the impact of your decisions and work with the top specialists in their respective fields. We have clear goals and a modern working environment. LHV Pank is the “Dream Employer 2015”. Come and contribute to the success story of an Estonian bank.
LHV is a responsible company that recognises its duty in moving towards a cleaner environment and a more sustainable economy. We operate and grow sustainably, and contribute to solving both local and global problems.
LHV Pank takes social responsibility seriously. We do all we can to support activities and initiatives which contribute to the development of Estonian society. In the case of our sponsorship projects, we prefer long-term and substantial cooperation. We are willing to contribute to the realisation of innovative ideas helping to make life in Estonia better.

Pangasaladus (Banking Secret) by LHV
“Sometimes we think of a financial institution as a place full of men in pressed suits inside grey concrete walls, clutching briefcases of a timeless design, from which they extract standard A4 sheets of paper, the text precisely aligned in regard to the margins. But there are different kinds of financial institutions. Some are very different. Places where you can engage in original thinking. Where you yourself make the decisions. Where you do it yourself. Where you make mistakes yourself and if you want to dance until five in the morning on the desks, only to start work a few hours later, then that’s a decision you also have made yourself.”
LHV is that kind of place. Eero Epner’s rollicking account of the history of LHV Pank, written for the bank’s 20th anniversary, tells the real-life story of the bank’s inception, first two decades of operation and its growth into the financial group as we know it today. The book is based on tens of interviews with LHV’s founders and staff past and present. Illustrations by Joonas Sildre provide added value. The colourful stories that have spread by word of mouth have now become a complete history.
E-book is on sale in Rahva Raamat, Apollo or other major e-book stores.
Audiobook can be found on the MyBook Application in Google Play and App Store. The book was narrated by actor Juhan Ulfsak.
LHV team
Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn
Bank code: 689
Commercial Register Code: 10539549
VAT number: EE100530247
LHV Varahaldus
Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn
Bank code: 689
Commercial Register Code: 10572453
VAT number: EE100530247
LHV Kindlustus
Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn
Bank code: 689
Commercial Register Code: 14973611
VAT number: EE102346756
LHV Finance
Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn
Bank code: 689
Commercial Register Code: 12417231
VAT number: EE101611783