LHV PIA, or pension investment account
- Freedom to preserve and grow your II Pillar pension assets
- On demand feature: automatic investment
- A broad selection of securities
What is pension investment account (PIA)?
Pension investment account (PIA) is your separate bank account, which you can use to continue growing your II Pillar pension assets, while making the investment decisions independently.
Alternative to pension funds, but with more freedom
If you wish, you can transfer your pension fund assets to your pension investment account. You can independently decide on the assets held on your pension investment account – you can just hold the money on the account or use the available money to acquire new securities at any time, just as you wish.
No income tax is payable when you move your assets from pension funds to your PIA.
With the benefits of the II Pillar
You can direct the following regular payments prescribed for II Pillar members to your pension investment account: 2%, 4% or 6% of your gross salary (change your contribution rate) + 4% from the state (on account of the 33% of social tax calculated from your salary) to your pension investment account – that’s the best way to grow your assets.
Read further information about the pension system and calculate the amount of your pension payment.
If you wish, you can withdraw money from your PIA
- By giving at least five months’ prior notice
- When withdrawing money before retirement age, you have to pay income tax of 22% on the withdrawn amount
- After withdrawing, you can rejoin the pension system (including opening a new PIA) after 10 years
Why choose LHV PIA?
Automatic investments
You have an option to select up to 10 securities into an automatic investment portfolio that will allow you to make automatic purchases on a regular basis. Available products include ca 200 securities. Compose your portfolio and allow LHV to take care of the rest.
Access to global financial markets
Buy shares and ETFs that trade in the Baltics and the rest of Europe, as well as in the USA. Have a closer look at our available instruments and the list of available stock markets.
In addition to equities, you can also invest in the Baltic corporate bond market and, in case of larger investment amounts, in foreign bonds too. You can also choose to buy shares of investment funds managed by local investment companies.
Free of charge Baltic securities and favourable terms for international markets
We are the only ones in Estonia to offer free of charge holding of Baltic securities, independent of the value of the portfolio. All the transactions with Baltic shares are also free of charge.
Professional support
LHV’s experienced brokers are here to help you in Estonian, English and Russian from 09.00 to 23.00 on working days. Contact us by e-mail on maaklerid@lhv.ee or by phone at 680 0420.
We regularly hold investment seminars that are open to everyone who is interested.
How do I join?
Sign an agreement
If you are already a client of LHV, make sure you have activated your Investment service agreement and then simply sign a pension investment account agreement.
If you are not a client yet, then open an LHV account, activate your Investment service agreement after which you will be able to proceed with signing a PIA agreement.
Transfer at least some of your II Pillar assets to the pension investment account
You can direct your regular II Pillar payments to LHV’s pension investment account. You can also transfer some (or all) of your II Pillar asset held in pension funds to your PIA. You can make both of these choices upon concluding the pension investment account agreement.
Optional: configure automatic investments
In addition to ordinary transactions, LHV PIA supports automatic investments, whereas new purchases are done automatically by LHV. Set the percentage of cash that you would like to invest automatically each month and select the securities that you want us to buy for you.
The money will be deposited to your PIA depending on when you submitted the PIA opening application
Receiving the funds to your PIA is dependent on when you submitted the PIA application.
Exchange Application
Application submission date Date of funds transfer 01.12-31.03 Next business day following May 1 01.04-31.07 September 1 (or the next business day if September 1 falls on a weekend) 01.08-30.11 Next business day following January 1 *Deposits to PIA occur during business days only.
If you've directed your monthly pension payments to PIK, the money will be deposited to your PIA by the end of the next month the latest.
Selection of securities for automatic investments
Themes and regions
Risk and expected returns
The fund invests in physical gold.
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
LHV World Equities
The fund manager invests in equity markets around the world. The fund’s portfolio is spread across developed markets (e.g. Western Europe, the US, Japan) as well as emerging markets (e.g. Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe).
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
LHV Euro Bond Fund
The fund provides access to one of the major global financial markets. The primary goal of the fund is to generate interest income, while the secondary goal is to profit from changes in bond prices. Investments are primarily made in investment-grade bonds.
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Global enterprises
The fund passively invests in big and medium sized companies by following global stock index. The portfolio has been dispersed between developed and developing countries representing all economic sectors.
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Corporate bonds (dollars)
The fund invests in corporate bonds listed in dollars in the industrial and financial sectors of developed markets (e.g. Goldman Sachs, Verizone).
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Corporate bonds (euros)
The fund invests in corporate bonds in the industrial and financial sectors of developed markets (e.g. Japanese bonds, Verizone, Citigroup).
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund invests in physical silver.
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Precious metals
The fund invests in a portfolio of four physical precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.
Fund’s performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Nordic companies
The fund tracks the performance of an index that represents largest companies from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark (e.g., Novo-Nordisk, Ericsson, Volvo, Nordea Bank).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, Fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Corporations of developed countries
The fund invests in the major corporations of developed countries (e.g. Apple, Google, Amazon, Nestle, Visa, Procter & Gamble, Toyota).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, Fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Australian and Asian major corporations
The fund invests in finance, real estate and industrial companies of Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Blue-chip companies of eurozone
The fund invests in major corporations of the euro zone (e.g. Siemens, Basf, Total, Deutsche Telecom).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Large European companies
The fund invests in 600 European companies (e.g. Nestle, Novartis, Shell, Siemens, Daimler, Unilever).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Large European companies
The fund invests in the largest listed European companies (e.g. Nestle, Roche, LVMH, Unilever).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Eurozone dividend payers
The fund invests in the 40 biggest dividend-paying enterprises in the euro zone in the communication service, industrial and financial sector.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
German government bonds
The fund invests in German government bonds.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund tracks the performance of an index that includes manufacturers of video games, as well as players in the e-sports industry (e.g. Nvidia, AMD, Nintendo).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund tracks the performance of an index that includes manufacturers of video games, as well as players in the e-sports industry (e.g. Nvidia, AMD, Nintendo).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Electric cars
The fund tracks the performance of an index that includes global manufacturers of electric and autonomous vehicles, as well as their component suppliers (e.g. Tesla, Nvidia, ABB).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
100 biggest US technology companies
The fund invests in the 100 biggest technology enterprises of the US and the rest of the world (e.g. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Smaller US companies
The fund invests in smaller US companies in the financial, industrial, healthcare and technology sector.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
500 largest companies in the US
The fund invests in the 500 largest US companies (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Johnson&Johnson, Google, Exxon Mobil).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Medium and large US companies
The fund invests in US companies (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Johnson&Johnson, Google, Exxon Mobil) and covers approx. 85% of the total value of publicly listed US companies.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
US dividend payers
The fund invests in the biggest US enterprises (e.g. AT&T, AbbVie, Exxon Mobil) that have increased their dividend payments for at least 25 consecutive years.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
German companies
This fund is suitable for an investor who wants to contribute to the German economy by means of 30 large companies (e.g. Siemens, Daimler, Adidas, Volkswagen).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Japanese companies
The fund invests in Japanese enterprises (e.g. Toyota, Mitsubishi, Sony, Honda).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund's key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Emerging market companies
The fund invests in the enterprises of South Korea, Taiwan, China, South Africa, Brazil and other emerging markets in the sectors of information technology, telecommunications and finance (e.g. Alibaba, Samsung).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Eastern European companies
The fund follows an index comprised of the largest companies of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Asian developing market companies
The fund invests in the enterprises of China, India, South Korea, Taiwan and other developing markets of the Asian region (e.g. Tencent, Samsung, Baidu, Alibaba).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Latin American largest companies
The fund mainly invests in Brazilian, Mexican, Chilean and Colombian enterprises.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Chinese companies
The fund tracks the performance of an index that includes 300 largest mainland Chinese stocks (e.g. China Merchants Bank, Midea, China State Construction).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Chinese companies
The fund tracks the performance of an index that includes 300 largest mainland Chinese stocks (e.g. China Merchants Bank, Midea, China State Construction).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Indian companies
The fund invests in the biggest Indian companies (e.g. Tata, Infosys).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund invests in companies engaged in water management and the development of the related technologies (e.g. Veolia, Alfa Laval).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Real estate
The fund invests in companies related to real estate management and development (e.g. shopping centres, residential housing, public buildings, storage spaces).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund invests in big companies engaged in infrastructure management and development (e.g. railways, pipelines, terminals, transmission networks).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund tracks the price movements of agricultural, energy, and metal commodities (e.g. wheat, crude oil, copper, gold).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Sustainably-focused enterprises
The fund is comprised of enterprises placing a lot of focus on sustainable development (e.g. Microsoft, Nestle, Intel, Samsung, Novartis, Bank of America). Sustainability is assessed based on the social, economic and environmental impact.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Clean energy producers
The fund invests in companies engaged in the production of clean energy and the development of the related technology (e.g. solar energy producers, equipment manufacturers – Verbund, First Solar).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund invests in enterprises engaged in the field of cybersecurity.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Automation and robotics
The fund invests in enterprises engaged in the field of robotics and automation.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund invests in the healthcare-related enterprises of developed countries (e.g. Pfizer, Roche, Merck, Novartis, Johnson&Johnson).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Products and services for the elderly
The fund invests in enterprises of the healthcare and finance sector who are offering products and services targeting the elderly.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Health innovators
The fund invests in enterprises engaged in the development of the field of healthcare services (e.g. Ablynx and Celltrion).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Luxury brands
The fund invests in the 80 biggest luxury goods manufacturers and retailers (e.g. Daimler, Nike, Estee Lauder, Hennessy, Tesla).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Consumer goods
The fund invests in the biggest European producers of consumer goods (e.g. Nestle, Unilever, L'Oreal, Danone).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
Dividend payers
The fund invests in 100 enterprises of developed countries that have made stable dividend payments (e.g. Shell, GlaxoSmithKline, Ford, Fortum).
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund follows the movements of the market price of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency (BTC).
The fund in question is an index fund, the market value of which may, in comparison with other index funds, rise or fall much more frequently and on a larger scale. In certain instances, you may lose the invested sum. Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
The fund follows the movements of the market price of the Ether cryptocurrency (ETH).
The fund in question is an index fund, the market value of which may, in comparison with other index funds, rise or fall much more frequently and on a larger scale. In certain instances, you may lose the invested sum. Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
US treasury bonds
The fund invests in US government bonds.
Fund's performance graph, additional information, fund’s key investor information
This does not constitute a personal investment suggestion. Before making an investment decision, review the fund’s prospectus and key investor information, and risk and costs involved in the investment. The risk and expected rate or return have been presented based on the key investor information. If needed, consult a specialist.
100 biggest US technology companies
risk/return profile: 6
The fund invests in the 100 biggest technology enterprises of the US and the rest of the world (e.g. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix).
risk/return profile: 6
500 largest companies in the US
risk/return profile: 6
The fund invests in the 500 largest US companies (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Johnson&Johnson, Google, Exxon Mobil).
risk/return profile: 6
Asian developing market companies
risk/return profile: 6
The fund invests in the enterprises of China, India, South Korea, Taiwan and other developing markets of the Asian region (e.g. Tencent, Samsung, Baidu, Alibaba).
risk/return profile: 6
Automatic investments
Saving up for retirement and investing your savings is a long and consistent process. To make it easier for you, we have expanded LHV PIA with an opportunity for automatic investments. By choosing automatic investments, you can focus on refining your investment strategy, while LHV will take care of executing it.
- Set the percentage of cash that you want to invest automatically. At the time of each new contribution to your PIA, this amount will be transferred to a separate sub-account intended for automatic investments.
- Choose up to 10 securities to be purchased automatically. You can choose between 200 different names, including stocks and exchange-traded funds.
- You will be able to adjust your PIA selections at any time.
- New securities are purchased every Wednesday. Any free funds that will be outstanding in your sub-account for automatic investments at that moment will be automatically invested in your selected securities.
- Automatic investments allow for fractional share purchases. For example, if you invest 10 euros into the shares of Apple, you will purchase ca 1/10 of one AAPL share. The minimum amount of investment is €1.
- The commission is 1% of the purchase amount.
- You can sell purchased securities at any moment by placing a sell order. Manual trade comission rates apply for the sales transactions.
- The service works similarly to the LHV Growth Account.
- Funds that have not been transferred to the sub-account for automatic investments will remain on the main PIA account. You can either keep them in cash or invest at your own discretion.
- You can always transfer free funds between the main PIA account and the sub-account for automatic investments. In this way, you can easily increase the amount of your next automatic investment by transferring free funds from the main PIA account to the sub-account for automatic investments, or vice versa.
Comparison of investment costs
The above example of investment costs assumes the lowest rate of commission per trade until the end of 2021.
* Based on the ongoing charges of the Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (VWRL).
** Based on the ongoind charges of the iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF (SXR8)
Price list
Commission for automatic purchases | 1% of trade value |
Commission for manual transactions with Baltic stocks | Free of charge |
Commission for manual transactions with US, Nordic, German, and French stocks (incl. ETF-s) |
Commission for bond transactions | 6 € + 0.2% of trade value |
Management fee for Baltic securities | Free of charge |
Management fee for foreign securities |
Review the full price list. Income and expense calculator for securities transactions.
Find out more...
Frequently asked questions
- How can I transfer my pension assets to my pension investment account (PIA)?
- Do I have to pay income tax upon transferring money from a pension fund to my PIA?
- How should I invest the money transferred to PIA?
- What commissions does LHV charge for automatic investments on PIA?
- How can I change the settings of my PIA account?
- I have opened PIA, when will I receive the funds?
Have questions regarding the product functionality or account opening?
LHV client support
6 800 400
Have questions regarding investing, trading or securities in general?
Mon–Fri 9–19
680 0420