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LHV apartment association insurance ensures peace of mind for apartment owners

We offer insurance cover for damage to the property of the apartment association as a result of a sudden and unforeseeable event. The cause of damage can be, among other things, a fire, a storm or a plumbing leak.

We guarantee apartment owners the confidence that their co-owned property and the civil liability arising from the possession of co-ownership are covered by an insurance contract in case of unexpected events.

  • We insure the property co-owned by the apartment association: parts of the building (the so-called building envelope), structures (e.g. garbage shed), and movable propertytooltip
  • We insure civil liability before third parties arising from the management of the building envelope and territory co-owned by the apartment association.
  • Liability insurance cover extends to damages incurred by the members of the apartment association.
  • We offer the apartment association insurance cover for damage caused as a result of regular repairs and maintenance works to the extent of the sum insured of the building envelope and the insured risks specified in the insurance contract.

Property insurance

Property insurance can be used to insure the damage caused to the co-ownership of apartment owners as a result of an unexpected event, on the basis of named perils or all risks.

Fire and explosion
Storm and hail
Offence against property (vandalism, burglary, robbery)
Plumbing leak
Glass surfaces damage
Extended insurance

Extra covers

Penetration of precipitation or meltwater into the building envelope

Liability insurance

Liability insurance can be used to insure damage caused to third parties (including a member of the apartment association) as a result of an unexpected event if the damage occurred in connection with the management of a building, any part of it, or territory co-owned by the apartment association.tooltip

Bodily injury
Property damage
Other material damage
Legal expenses

Extra covers

Activities of the subcontractor

Risk mitigation

How to reduce risks and ensure better protection of the property and health of the members of the apartment association? To do this, it is worth observing the safety requirements listed in the terms and conditions of insurance, including:

    • organise regular maintenance of the building in order to detect and prevent possible problems related to damage (plumbing or roof leak, electrical failure, etc.);
    • make sure that subcontractors have a valid liability insurance contract;
    • inform apartment owners about the importance of risk mitigation and, if necessary, organise training sessions or briefings that also address the safety requirements specified in the terms and conditions of insurance;
    • regularly review the insurance contract of the apartment association and, if necessary, update it to match the insurance interest of the association. This is especially necessary at a time when you are carrying out major renovation or redevelopment work in the building.

Important information

Please notify us of a possible increase in the insurance risk as soon as possible: call 699 9111 or send an email to
The insurance risk is increased, for example, by construction or renovation work at the place of insurance.

Damage assistance and prevention

We will indemnify the legal costs of claims against the apartment association, even if the claim is later found to be unfounded. We do not apply an insurance deductible for legal assistance costs. Only legal assistance previously agreed with LHV will be indemnified.

For initial assistance, please call LHV claims handling on 680 1122.

If you do not need immediate help, please notify us as soon as possible. To do this, please send us a notice of loss via the LHV website, call 680 1122 or send an email to

Ask for quote


Ask for advice

Call us at 699 9111 Mon–Fri 9–17 or email us at

Report a claim

Call us at 680 1122 or email us at

Damage assistance

To call damage assistance, call 680 1122 any time, 24 hours a day


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