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Succession planning

How to best pass on your wealth to your successors?

If you’re wondering how to best pass on your wealth to your successors, things might seem complicated at first.

It’s important to have a full understanding of your options so that your wealth is transferred to your children, grandchildren and others in exactly the way you want it to. We’re here to help along this journey.

If you’ve built something with love and devotion, it’s natural for you to want it to last. Whether you’re passing the torch within your own family or business or to outside parties, our account managers and professional partners will help you to put together a thorough plan to ensure a streamlined transition when the time comes.

There's no single right way to plan succession. What works for one family might not be right for another. An expertly prepared succession plan takes into account your needs and those of your family.

What should you take into account when planning succession matters?

  • When and how do I wish to transfer my wealth?
  • What to consider when planning an inheritance?
  • How and when is the best time to arrange the transfer of my assets?
  • How can future generations safeguard their wealth in times of crisis and during key events in their lives?

How can we be of service?

  • Managing passive assets
  • Organizing the transfer of active assets
  • Planning the transfer of active assets (professional advisory)
  • Compilation of a will or succession agreement (notary or professional advisor)
  • Consolidating assets, giving an overview of important things to think about
  • Global access

Contact your Private Banking manager for more information and to make an appointment.


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