Tuleva III Samba Pensionifond
Entry fee: 0%
Exit fee: 0%
Management fee: 0.23%
Ongoing charges (inc management fee): 0.33%
The ongoing charges figure is an estimate based on the current management fee and the 2022 level of all other recognized costs. Ongoing charges may vary from year to year.
Pension agreement
The state does not tax payments from the 3rd pension pillar if you have concluded an insurance contract under which regular pension payments will be made to you for the rest of your life.
Resale of shares
After reaching the age of 55 (if you started making Pillar III contributions before 2021), but not before five years have elapsed from the initial investment, the income tax on disbursements is 10%. If you have joined the third pillar before 2021 and want to take out what you have collected before the age of 55, the income tax is 22%. Those who have joined the third pillar from 2021 can withdraw money from the third pillar at a more favorable income tax rate (10%) if there is less than 5 years until retirement age.
The third pillar savings can also be bequeathed
The heir can then decide what to do with the inherited assets—whether to transfer them to their pension account or to withdraw the amount in cash.
Income tax of 22% applies to cash withdrawals.