A field survey conducted by the research company Dive at the end of 2024 once again identified the banks offering the best service. LHV Pank showed the best level in terms of both phone calls and visits to a bank office. LHV is the bank with the best service for the ninth time.
The service quality survey was conducted using the mystery shopping method. In 2024, the bank sector survey was carried out in two service channels – phone calls and visits to a bank office. A total of 10 phone calls and 10 visits were made to each bank.
In the ranking of the banks with the best phone service in Estonia, LHV shared the first place with a result of 99.60%. This result significantly exceeded the average score of phone service in Estonian banks, which was 92.99% (90.60% in 2023), and the average phone service result in the Baltic countries was 91.69%.
In the results of visits to a bank office in Estonia, LHV won, achieving the maximum possible result, i.e. 100%. The total result for Estonia in 2024 was 95.63% for bank branch visits, compared to 90.56% in 2023.
For LHV Pank, the best service is a goal in itself. ‘The world is changing, many activities have moved to digital channels, and robots are also thriving in the service industry, but direct communication with the client continues to be important to us. It is all about the feeling you get – we want to offer our clients the feeling that they are cared for, and we make efforts on a daily basis to deliver the best client experience. I am very pleased that the results of the survey also showed this year that our efforts have been worthy of first place and clients can be satisfied with us. We will continue our work in the same way,’ Kristel Paet, the Head of Client Support at LHV, said.
According to the organisers of the study, the recent survey brought strong rankings for both channels, and there was a noticeable tight competition and a desire to win over clients. The strengths of Estonian service providers in the case of phone service were establishing initial contact, identifying the client’s needs, offering different solutions, terminating the contact, and demonstrating communication skills in general. When looking at the visits to bank offices, even stronger results are drawn out, and additional sales, i.e. the offer of additional products, can also be added to the list.
Dive Estonia, the leading company focused on client service surveys, conducts field surveys regularly, offering information based on objective grounds about the levels of client service in different sectors. The banking sector survey was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2024.
See more on the website of the research company: dive-group.com/et/2024-aasta-oli-panganduse-sektoris-tasavagine.
LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in Estonia. LHV Group’s key subsidiaries are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. The Group employs over 1,200 people. As at the end of November, LHV’s banking services are being used by 452,000 clients, the pension funds managed by LHV have 114,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus protects a total of 170,000 clients. LHV Bank Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, holds a banking licence in the United Kingdom and provides banking services to international financial technology companies, as well as loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.
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