II Pillar
The II pillar is one of the most rewarding long-term investments with tax incentive, and it is when you start saving for retirement at a young age that its full potential is revealed. Besides, the amount collected is heritable and you can withdraw it at your convenience. However, it would be wise to do this at retirement age, otherwise you will have to pay a 22% income tax.
Unique opportunity 4 = 10
The state still contributes 4% to the pool from social tax, but now you can choose whether you contribute 2%, 4% or 6%.
Rate of return of the pension funds
Simply keeping money in your account means you miss out on potential returns and the value of your money even decreases due to inflation. Over the past 20 years, the average rate of return on pension funds has outpaced inflation.
Long-term saving
Time is the best friend of a saver in the II pillar: a small amount each month will add up to a large sum decades later. Over a period of 10 years, at the current average salary, EUR 10,000 is accrued, to which productivity and compound interest are added.
Joining the II pillar is free and only takes a few minutes. It is just as easy to switch funds later.
Bring your II pillar to usIncrease the contributions to the II pillar
By default, your contribution is 2%, but now you can decide for yourself whether it stays that way. A 25-year-old saver with an average salary can have a significant impact on the size of the pension by their choice alone. The state still adds 4% from social tax and if you choose to contribute 6%, the total is 10%. The higher the contribution, the bigger the pension.
The rate of return of the selected pension fund(s) and the eighth wonder of the world are added: compound interest. II pillar contributions are made from the gross salary, which means an immediate 22% income tax benefit.
Submit an applicationWhy save at LHV?
Best rate of return
Our investment policy is to achieve the highest possible long-term rate of return. Over the past 20 years, LHV pension funds have performed the best in Estonia.¹
Firm management
The assets of LHV pension clients were better protected during the last major economic crisis. We will do our utmost to ensure that future economic shocks also have as little of an impact on savings as possible.
Green future
We were the first to launch an environmentally friendly fund with the aim of making the economy more sustainable. With your choice, you contribute to a greener future.
Support of Estonia
Out of the Estonian pension funds on the market, LHV’s funds are the most active in making investments in Estonia. We have our own large and capable local investment team.
How to choose a pension fund?
Two important issues need to be taken into account when selecting the II pillar pension fund: how long you have left until retirement and how much risk you want to take. As a rule, the more a fund invests in stock markets, the higher the risk level of the fund, but also the higher the expected rate of return.
Three easy steps to join the LHV II pillar
Log in to the self-service.
Choose the suitable LHV fund to which you wish to direct deposits and exchange existing units.
That’s it. Today’s decisions can start earning money for your future.
Let us know if you have any questions
Together we will find the right solution.

Reet Roos
pension consultant
Mon–Fri 8–17
680 2743
Sign up for a consultation
Do you value different investments and risk spreading?
LHV Pensionifond XL is suitable if
- you have more than 15 years left until retirement,
- you are prepared to take above-average risks,
- your aim is the long-term growth of your pension savings.
LHV Pensionifond L is suitable if
- you have more than 10 years left until retirement,
- you have average risk tolerance,
- your aim is the long-term growth of your pension savings.
LHV Pensionifond M is suitable if
- you have 3–10 years left until retirement age,
- you have moderate risk tolerance,
- your aim is the long-term stable growth of your pension savings.
Do you believe in a green transition?
LHV Pensionifond Roheline is suitable if
- you have more than 15 years left until retirement,
- you are partial to thinking green,
- you would like to invest your pension funds in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.
Do you prefer low management fees and take higher risk?
LHV Pensionifond Indeks is suitable if
- you want to invest in financial markets on a continuous basis,
- you wish to grow your pension pillar at the lowest possible costs,
- you have prior personal investment experience.
Want to keep the money you have collected?
LHV Pensionifond S is suitable if
- you have 2–5 years left until retirement age,
- you have low risk tolerance,
- your aim is the preservation and modest growth of your pension savings.
LHV Pensionifond XS is suitable if
- you have less than 3 years left until retirement,
- you have low risk tolerance,
- your aim is to preserve your savings and avoid losses.